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Managing the climate for high value indoor or greenhouse biomass is 90% of the challenges faced by cultivators.

Managing humidity is crucial for the health and success of your commercial operations, whether you're cultivating plants or processing sensitive products. High moisture levels can lead to detrimental issues such as mold, rot, rust, and unpleasant odors, which can compromise the quality of your output and the efficiency of your operations.


The Cli-Max system is your solution for maintaining the ideal indoor environment. Engineered for extreme conditions, Cli-Max ensures that your space stays at the perfect humidity level, protecting your investments and boosting productivity.


What sets Cli-Max apart from other climate control systems is its advanced dehumidification capability. Traditional systems only dehumidify as they cool, shutting off once the desired temperature is reached and allowing humidity to rise again. Cli-Max, however, continues to dehumidify even after the target temperature is achieved. This unique feature ensures consistent humidity control, providing a stable environment that supports the highest quality standards in your commercial space.


The Cli-Max system uniquely offers simultaneous cooling, heating and  dehumidification.



Cli-Max's technology can manage heating, cooling, and dehumidification in one unit. Mutiple smaller units are installled per room, this de-risks the total loss of crop if one unit breaks down.


Cli-Max boasts rapid room stabilization, typically achieving desired conditions within 15 minutes, compared to the industry norm of 30 minutes to an hour.


The Cli-Max's superior hysteresis
control maintains a consistent temperature with minimal fluctuations, surpassing the standard range of 2-5 degrees by offering
precision within one degree.


The Cli-Max units provide precise climate control eliminating harsh temperature fluctuations.Stability in the growing environment is key to producing high-quality cannabis flowers. The more consistent the conditions are maintained during and between crop cycles, the higher the value of the flower produced.

"The purchase price of an Cli-Max system is on average
30-50% cheaper than any other solution on the market."

Every New Cli-Max Customer :)


Maintaining a stable growing environment and ensuring uniformity between crops will increase demand and improve the market value of your flowers.

Cli-Max - Temp Stability
Cli-Max - Pricing


Pricing excludes VAT and delivery



Please see two options below to read more details on the Cli-Max range of products or get in touch for a formal quote.

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